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Any enrolment for the EcoTrail Wicklow® event implies the tacit acceptance of the of the following regulations:

 1.1 EVENT

A timed running race through the heart of the countryside, following trails with different surfaces and sometimes tough and rough terrain.

The distances of the EcoTrail Wicklow is over 5 courses with the following approximate distances – 10km, 19km, 30km, 46km and 80km.

The start and finish are in Bray, Co Wicklow There is a limited time available, coupled with strict enforced cut off at the check points/service points for the the 80km event.

Provisional Start times:-

  • 80km race will start at 07:30
  • 46km race will start at 09:00
  • 30km race will start at 10:00
  • 19km race will start at 11:00
  • 10km race will start at 17:00

These start times are subject to change at the organisers discretion



The race is open for anyone aged 18 or more on date of event. Racers from 17 years and up can enter the 10 km race with parental consent.


The race is intended to be completed in a self-sufficient manner. On the course will there be service areas where water ONLY is available.

Water can be filled up in competitor's own water flasks and containers

Water will not be provided in disposable cups.

Each runner must make sure to have sufficient food for the complete course and water to reach to the next service point.

No personal assistance in terms of water, food or pacing is authorized on the course in it's entirity.

It is officially forbidden to be supported along the course by any person other than a regularly enrolled competitor who is still participating in their own competition as an incidental occurance - i.e. Not by prior arrangement.

It is not within the spirit of the competition for any participant to have support from another competitior with the express purpose of aiding them to a better finishing position compared to those not having any such assistance.

Any person availing of medical assistance, other than superficial cuts and grazes, will automatically be forbidden to complete the race.

Anyone who is instructed by race officials or medical personnel to not continue in the event who choses to do so will be automatically disqualified and forbidden for entering any future competitions.


To enrol for the EcoTrail Wicklow 80 km, y

ou must have completed an ultra race of minimum 50km within the past 18 months OR similar equivalent of a long distance / endurance type event (if in doubt contact us). You can enrol for the 80k if you plan to do such an ultra in the build-up period. Should you subsequently fail to complete this ultra, we recommend requesting a transfer down to the 45 km.

Overall time limit for the 80km event is 12 hours 30 mins with 9 hours for the 46 km, 7 hours for the 30 km event, 6 hours for the 19 km event and 3 hours for the 10km event.

There are very strict cutoffs for the event at the 14.8km, 23.4 km, 33.8km, 44.3 km, 51.8 km, 63.8 km and 72 km points so a minimum average pace of just over 9mins/km (9:22 min/km) is needed to make these cutoffs.

Please Do Not Enter the 80km Event unless you are adequately trained and experienced to safely complete the full course comfortably within the allowed time limits

All runners are participating in the race at their own risk.


I agree and acknowledge that participation in or observation of sport could constitute a risk of serious injury to myself, including permanent paralysis or death.
I voluntarily and knowingly recognize, accept and assume this risk and warrants to MultiSport Adventure Ireland T/A Bear Races. and their Associates, 
their Sponsors, Event Sponsors, Officials and Agents and Wicklow Co Co that I am physically fit and able to complete and compete in this EcoTrail Wicklow trail running event which takes place over rough , rocky, slippy and uneven ground and terrain without risking any minor or serious injury, including permanent paralysis or death to myself or to others.

Furthermore, I hereby release the Event Organizers, MultiSport Adventure Ireland T/A Bear Races their Associates, their Sponsors, Event Sponsors, Officials and Agents and Wicklow Co Co from any liability arising from my participation in this event.
I agree that MultiSport Adventure Ireland T/A Bear Races, their Associates, their Sponsors, Event Sponsors, Officials and Agents and Wicklow Co Co shall not be, nor be deemed to be, responsible or liable (whether in contract or in tort or under any statute whatsoever), for any injury, illness or other mishap to myself or my property, sustained in, or arising from or out of, or in any way directly or indirectly connected with this event.
I acknowledge that the only insurance in place for this event is for 3rd parties and public liability and not for myself as a competitor and I undertake that I know I should hold my own insurance cover should I feel I need it.
I will obey the rules of the event in full including the rules of the road and comply with all instructions given.
I hereby grant full permission to any of the above parties to use any photographs, videotapes, motion pictures, website images, recordings or any other record of this event which may include my person.


Taking part in the Ecotrail Wicklow®, implies a de facto acceptance without reservations of the current regulations and the ethics of the race published by the organisation. This can be consulted in the section «ethical charter» on the website.

A little bag specifically for collection the participants' rubbish should be carried by each runner together with their race number. The use of this bag is obligatory, and carrying it will be checked out at the control points. Any runner caught throwing down rubbish on the course will be disqualified.

Everyone enrolled undertakes to follow the paths signposted by the organisation, without taking any short-cuts. In fact, short-cutting a path causes an irreversible erosion of the site and thus permanent damage. Non-respect for this direction will lead to disqualification.

A number of dustbins will be placed at each service point and it is obligatory to use these with an approach to a selective sorting of rubbish, recycling as appropriate, etc.


10k - 350 max

19k - 500 max

30k - 500 max

47k - 350 max

80k - 200 max

 * Number of participants subject to change


During the issuing of race numbers, an electronic chip is individually handed over to each runner for timekeeping purposes. This race number with the timing chip attached must be placed on your person and uncodered at all timing points. Each runner is responsible for the good care of the chip. The runner cannot be timed in the following cases:

  • not carrying the chip.
  • losing the chip.
  • damaging the chip.
  • unorthodox carrying of the chip.



Each competitor may, should they choose, bring their own small personal effects bag of maximum 20 litres' capacity (change of clothing, etc). A label supplied with the race bib no must be attached to this bag.

this bag shoudl be waterproof or have relevany contents contained in waterproof bags as it is likely that this bag storage area will be outdoors and uncovered

It is stongly recommended that anyone arriving by private transport should leave their chang of cloths in their vehicle, come to start ready to race and leave the finish area shortly after they cross the finish line

The bag can be deposited at a designated area close to the start area, between 1 hour and 15 minutes before the start of each race only.

No runner's bag will be accepted by the organization at other times & once deposited race bags can only be recovered after the race upon shown the entrants race bib.

Bag recovery at the Finish area. The bags are handed back either to the competitor or to those close to him, uniquely on presentation of the race bib. Bags will be handed out until 20:15 on the Saturday evening. Beyond this time limit, the runner will have to come and recover his bag, at his own cost, from the Ecotrail Wicklow organisors.

As the contents of the bags were not checked, there can be no protest about the contents at collection. It is highly recommended not to put valuable objects or cash in them.

All the bags must be taken back from the association within 1 day the event, beyond which date they shall given to charitable organisations.



As the route will be different kind of trails and paths accessible to the general public it is imperative that the runners behave in a good manner, respect traffic rules and show respect for nature and everybody you meet during the race!

A First Aid station has been set up at designated (but not all) refreshment posts. These stations are in liaison with Race Control. A medical control team is present throughout the entire duration of the event at Race Control.

The First Aid stations are there to bring aid to any person in danger using the organisation's own or approved means. The official doctors are authorised to take any competitor unsuited to continue the event out of the race (by invalidating his race number). The first-aid workers are authorised to transport those runners whom they consider in danger by any means at their disposal.

Any runner contacting or calling a doctor or a first-aid worker submits themselves to their authority and undertakes to accept their decisions.

Anyone who is instructed by officials or medical personnel to not continue in the event who choses to do so will be automatically disqualified and forbidden for entering any future competitions.

Any runner not willing to comply with race- and /or public regulations and instructions from race officials will have to cover themselves all cost in case of damage or recovery patrols.


Medical personnel will be present in Wicklow at the finish area to assist runners at their arrival. Access to the “medical area” is only for runners wearing their race bib.


"Mobile" control zones of have been set up at several points along the courseTheir position is not communicated by the organisation and the means of control will be specified to the participants during the pre-race briefing.

Only runners carrying a visible race number have access to the water refill areas. The road map will identify a precise list of water refill points. The refreshment points are supplied with water for refilling your bottle or flask.

A post-race nutrition "Hot Dish" will be available near the finish line for any participants of other races who have purchased it during registration.

** Food needed for the duration of the race must be supplied by entrants and carried from the start of the race **


The maximum time for the event, for the whole of the 80km course, is fixed at 12.5 hours. The time limits for the various aid stations will be communicated on the website and via email.

These time limits have been calculated to enable the participants to get to the Finish in the maximum time laid down, while still making possible stops. To be authorised to continue the event, competitors must set off again from the water refill zone before the fixed time limit

Any competitor pulled out of the race and wishing to continue on course can only do so having returned his race number and must then continue at his own responsibility and in complete autonomy. From then on, he can no longer be considered as a finisher. In this case the runner will have to sign a waiver taking back full responsibility for his behaviour.

In the case of poor weather conditions and/or for safety reasons, the organisation reserves the right to cancel and/or to stop the race including modify the time limits and change the course route.


Controllers on the course are authorised to check the obligatory material and, more generally, the respect for all the regulations (runners’ identity, respect for the site and the ethic, illicit help and accompanying, race number not permanently visible to the front)

Any runner not in possession, during a control along the course, of the totality of his obligatory material will be immediately disqualified, without any possibility of making an appeal against this sanction.

The displaying or exhibition of brands, sponsors, or partners being strictly forbidden in the start / finish area. The organiser is in charge of respecting this regulation. Because of this, non-respect will lead to an immediate and irrevocable disqualification. In addition, the competitor concerned will no longer be able to enrol in future editions of EcoTrail Wicklow.

A minimum penalisation of half an hour is applied for any other breach in regulations. The controller tells his post director and/or Race Control and can ask, depending on the seriousness of the act and the behaviour of the runner, for the disqualification of the competitor. The race jury can declare the disqualification of a competitor for any serious breach in the regulations, in particular in the case of:

  • not wearing the race number correctly,
  • not presenting identity papers or the presentation of identity papers not corresponding to those on the race number being worn,
  • not respecting the regulations and laws regulating the use of public roads/paths
  • not respecting the instructions given by the control post
  • using any means of transport,
  • starting off from a refreshment area after the time limit,
  • not helping another competitor in difficulty,
  • accepting personal assistance outside the official refreshment areas,
  • not respecting the rule not to be accompanied along the course,
  • display or exhibition, in no matter what form, of brands, sponsors, or partners at the start/finish area,
  • pollution or damage to the sites by the competitor or by a member of his team,
  • insults, rudeness or threats made during a meeting with any member of the organisation or any volunteer,
  • refusal to be examined by a member of the medical staff at any moment in the event,
  • drug-taking or refusal to allow a drugs test,
  • not carrying a rubbish bag or some means of bring all rubbish to bins / finish



They can be made by letter in the 60 minutes after the posting of the provisional results to the Race Director or Race Finish manager.


This is made up personnel taken from of:

  • the organiser,
  • the race director,
  • the coordinator responsible for safety,
  • the director of the medical team,
  • the directors of the control areas concerned,
  • as well as anyone considered competent by the Organisation Committee.
  • The jury is authorised to take decisions within a time limit compatible with the rules of the course on all the disputes or disqualifications which occur during the event. Decisions cannot be appealed.



The organisation reserves the right to modify the course and the locations of the First Aid and refreshment posts, at any moment and without warning. In the case of really bad weather (strong wind,  rain and snow, strong risk of a storm, etc) the course can be modified, the start can be delayed or in extreme cases the event may be cancelled.

In the case of bad weather conditions, and for reasons of safety, the organisation reserves the right to cancel and/or to stop the event underway, even to modify the time limits and/ or course.

Cancellation, postponement or modification to the race due to Force Majure such as bad weather opens no right to enrolment reimbursement.

Any decision will be taken by a jury bringing together at least the race director, the organiser and the coordinator responsible for safety as well as any person competent in the eye of the President of the Organisation Committee.


Personal Liability: The organiser has taken out 3rd party liability insurance policy for the duration of the event.

This insurance guarantees the financial consequences of its responsibility, of that of its officials and its participants to any 3rd party only.

This policy is not intended to cover injury incurred by participant as all participants take part at their own risk

Personal AccidentIt is suggested that each competitor should be in possession of an individual accident insurance to cover yourself in case of personal injury, howsoever caused. Such an insurance should be taken out with any organisation chosen by the competitor


A detailed description of the course will be supplied at the same time as the distribution of the race numbers. It includes practical information such as the cut offs for the check points, locations of the refreshment areas, the rescue posts, the care posts, as well as the access points for the accompanying members. A single copy of this book will be given exclusively to those who have enrolled.


Only those runners crossing the finish line will be ranked. No monetary prize will be awarded; all the finishers will receive the same specific gifts

A general male and female ranking and a ranking for each male and female category will be established: the first 3 men and the first 3 women in the general ranking, as well as the first in each category will receive a trophy or a gift. General classifications and those by category cannot be accumulated.  If less than 2 competitors enter a category, no prize will be awarded but the competitors can compete in the lower (younger) category.

The detail of the awards can be given on request at the time of race bib distribution.

By “Finisher” one means all the participants reaching the Finishing Line before 20:00 on the date of the race and who has not missed any of the preliminary cut-offs.


In the context of the values of solidarity and for the protection of the environment of the EcoTrail Wicklow it has seemed natural for the organisation to associate itself with a project for the environment.


In taking part in the race, each competitor expressly authorises the EcoTrail Wicklow (or its assignees) to use and allow to use or to reproduce or allow reproduction of their name, their image, their voice and their sports performance in the context of the race with regard to any direct exploitation or in the form derived from the event and this, in any support, in the whole world, through all known and unknown means to-date, and for the entire direction at present granted to these direct or derived exploitations by the legislative or regulatory dispositions, legal or arbitrary decisions of the whole country as well by international agreements, current or future, allowing for possible extensions which might be made to this duration.



  • Minimum 1 litre water  container for 80km and 46km events & 500ml for 19k and 30k events. No water requirement for the 10k
  • Food supply sufficient for the entire event
  • A personal cup or bottle. 
  • Mobile phone (enter the safety numbers of the organisation into its directory, do not hide its number and must be fully charged from start)
  • Proof of identity. 
  • Rainproof Jacket
  • Cap / Buff


Possible Optional Equipment – Organisers to advise at sign on :

  • Full leg cover
  • Full waterproof leggings
  • A minimum sum of euros to take care of any unforeseen events
  • Rainproof jacket (With Taped Seams) able to withstand poor weather.
  • Gloves
  • Spare thermal long sleeved top